5 Tips to a Stress-LESS Thanksgiving

5 Tips to a StressLESS Thanksgiving 

(Photo Credit: Anyone Can Decorate)

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. That means, so are the guests, the kids and all the good food we plan and dream about all year! I love thanksgiving, but when hosting the dinner celebration at your house, things can get a little crazy! There are some easy things that you can do ahead of time, to help make your thanksgiving celebration run smoothly.  Here are 5 great tips!

1. Clean out the fridge and deep clean the kitchen- Since the kitchen is where most of the action happens on Thanksgiving, be sure to give your kitchen a good clean. Don’t forget things like the inside of the oven, and the microwave. Clean out the fridge; make room for all the delicious food that people will be bringing over with them.

2. Get coolers- Depending on the size of your group, two coolers might be smart! Fill one with beverages for the adults and the other with juice, water and milk for the kids. Having the drinks in coolers, leaves more open space in the fridge for food.

3. Assign Jobs- It’s okay to ask for help! Have your guests bring their favorite dish to share! Assign older kids to help the younger ones wash up before dinner. Ask people to help you move food from the kitchen to the table.

4. Set up an area for the kids- Keeping the kids busy, and out of the kitchen is always hard on thanksgiving. Set up a craft corner or area for the kids. Have craft feathers, glue-sticks and construction paper, have the older kids, help the younger ones make head dresses or pilgrim hats!

5. Set the table- Before your company arrives set the table. Lay out your tablecloth, set up your centerpieces (Pheasant feathers are a perfect addition to an autumn bouquet) Set out plates and silverware, napkins and cups.

Hopefully these few, easy tips will help you be prepared for Thanksgiving! Hopefully this year you will be able to enjoy yourself instead of running around tying up loose ends.

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