Back-to-School Feather Crafts

Simple Art Projects Using Craft Feathers

The date for students and teachers to begin preparing for Back-to-School is quickly drawing near.  This is usually an exciting time for children filled with activities: play dates, vacation days, haircuts, clothes shopping and purchasing school supplies.  Teachers, however, are busily preparing for a new year with new students and new challenges.

Teachers begin by setting up their classroom, preparing desks, filling in nameplates with soon to be arriving students’ names, writing lesson plans and organizing Open House information.  In honor of teachers everywhere and their hard work, we have organized a couple of back-to-school crafts to keep students engaged and occupied as well as give them an opportunity to begin placing their mark on their new classroom décor.

Feather Pencils- Spruce up some school supplies by adding feathers to pencils.  Beginning a new class surrounded by new faces and procedures can make some students a little nervous.  Do an ice-breaker craft to let them feel at ease.  Allow students to glue a few fun colored turkey flat craft feathers to the eraser end of a new pencil.  They will then need to wrap twine…or better yet craft tape also around the glued end of the feather. Once the glue has dried, each student will have a fun, unique, and feathered writing utensil to use! We love the tutorial from JaderBomb using large turkey quill and tail feathers which is cool for decoration too!

Feather Painting- Have a piece of white construction paper, some dollops of water-based paint, craft feathers and some tape available at each table or student group.  Ask students to select 3 feathers, tape them together approximately 2 inches up from the feathered end.  Students will then be able to use their feathered paint brush and paint to create an abstract piece of art to hang in their classroom. (The best part for teachers… they can throw away the “brushes” for an easy cleanup!) Checkout the feather painting tutorial from Paint On The Ceiling Blog. We love how she use guinea turkey quill feathers as the paint brush because it is stiff and just the right size for little kids!

Color Your Feathers - This is a simple art project suitable for all ages. This tutorial from Cachemire & Soie are too cute not to share. All you need are some acrylic paints and goose satinettes feathers. The rest is up to those little creative minds!

These two simple activities will get students interested in back to school as well as for them to appreciate their school supplies.

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