Black Feather Clutch

Black Feather Clutch

Black Feather Clutch

If you're looking to add a some edginess and sophistication to your outfit, this black ostrich feather clutch is the way to go. It is a simple 15 minute DIY that is both fun and functional.


Black Clutch

Feather Ostrich Feather TrimGlue Gun

Hot Glue Sticks


  1. First, create a guide by by drawing horizontal lines on the clutch 2-3 inches apart depending on your preference and size of the clutch.
  2. Cut feather trim to the length of your chalk lines.
  3. Starting from the bottom of the clutch, hot glue the ribbon of the trim all the way around using your guide.
  4. Continue to repeat the previous step as you work your way up to the very top edge of the clutch.
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