Feathered Centerpiece
Don't have enough vases to decorate your house for the holidays? Check out this idea. Our feather centerpiece is made using a white pumpkin as a vase. Keep a look out for the other centerpieces featured at the begining of the video. We'll post those soon too.
Get creative and use the flowers you can find at your local grocery store. They don't have to be expensive to give you a high-end look.
Shopping List:
Purple Ringneck Pheasant Feathers
Ivory Bleached Peacock Tail Feathers
Orange Bleached and Dyed Peacock Tail
Purple Bleached and Dyed Peacock Tail
Hot Pink Bleached and Dyed Peacock Tail
Try this mod for a longer lasting centerpiece: Use silk flowers and a synthetic gourd from your local craft store.