Feathers, The Classic Fashion Piece

Timeless Feathers

Photo Credit : Feather Fashion Board on Pinterest

The world of fashion has never been this dynamic, peculiar and bold. Whether you call this development or simply a rebellious attempt, fashion in the new age has certainly veered away from the past centuries’ conservative clothing. More accessories are in now in use; different combinations have been tried; and new materials are now used. 

But one thing remains unmoved – the feathers madness. All throughout the years, feathers have been used in different accessories and clothing as an instant fashion boost. From Valentino to project runway. Even the most unconventional fashion icons of today use it as a fashion statement – yes, even Lady Gaga can’t resist the lure of feathers! 

Photo Credit : Pinterest
What is it about feathers that make it an all-time favorite? Here are some of them: 

An effortless style - Feathers are fashion pieces sent straight from heaven. It gives you that instant style without breaking a sweat. Unlike beads, sequins, and lace materials (that you have to carefully craft in complicated mix and matches for the perfect blend in) feathers can be put on the spot. You can just have it draped around your neck, arms or shoulders and voila! the fashion deity awakes. · The dreamy effect What makes feathers a classical fashion piece is the dreamy effect it always give. No matter what kind of runway you put your heels on, feathers can make you look very sophisticated. Talk about keeping your audience’s attention captivated!

Blends with anything - Another good thing about feathers is that it can accentuate yet not overwhelm a dress at the same time. Unlike other accessories feathers can blend in with any fabric or material and it would still look as perfect. 

Instant fashion boost - With feathers you can wear anything as plain as a towel and still have that subtle glamour. Some people would rather wear a plain black gown, with nothing but fabric and feathers on. Most of the time, these people are the ones reigning that red carpet event. There are many other things those simple feathers can give you and your fashion call – the list is simply endless. Grab those feathers now and unleash the fashion goddess in you!

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