How To Make A Fourth Of July Wreath

How To Make A Fourth Of July Wreath

A personal favorite from my Etsy shop

Feather wreaths are a simple yet playful addition to any holiday door-front!

What you will need to recreate this festive feather wreath:

Wreath ring 

Hot Glue/Push Pins

Feather Boa

Feathers we recommend:



Let's begin!

First, lay the boas out flat 

Start by braiding the desired color boas

Next, pin the boas and attach it to your wreath ring

Wrap the boas around your wreath until you have your desired fullness

You can now add a personal touch to the boa you are making!

Your festive feather wreath is now complete and will add a flare to any space!

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

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