Make Your Own Feather Earrings
Handmade Earrings - Easy gift guide

We all love receiving a gift that a friend or family member has clearly put a lot of thought into, and it’s always even nicer if that gift is hand made too. Whether you’re like me and every year say to yourself “this year I really WILL hand make all my gifts” and then promptly put the thought completely out of mind and go and hit the mall for a spot of Christmas shopping, or you’re one of those organized and talented people who already make all their gifts, read on.
Like most girls I love jewelry and really don’t receive enough of it, but this year I’m going to go on the assumption that what you give you shall receive tenfold. Or something like that. Anyway, I've decided that as I’m not the most arty of people, I’m going to try my hand at making feather earrings for some of my friends. I figure they should be relatively simple for someone like me who is all fingers and thumbs and feather earrings have been everywhere this season, so for my fashion conscious friends who may or may not be reading this and who don’t have a pair yet, you soon will!
Feather earrings are a good starter project as you’ll only need a few items to hand. Feathers, obviously, earring findings (hooks), foldable connectors, cotton thread and glue, plus flat nosed pliers and scissors.
First choose your feathers; there are so many cool feathers out there such as rooster feathers, pheasant feathers, turkey feathers, laced hen feathers and guinea feathers. Three is a good number, and tie them tightly at the top with the cotton. Cut the sticking out part of the feathers to the same length as the connector and then trim so they are neat and tidy. Put at little bit of glue on the top of the feathers and on the knot of the string.
Next, using your finger and the tip of the scissors join the glued part of the feather to the connector. When it is firmly in place and the glue is dry fold the connector over onto the top part of the feathers. Finally attach the earring finding to the connector. Repeat the process to create a second one and bingo – you have just made a pair of feather earrings!
You’ll be able to find all the parts and tools you need at your local craft or hobby store or online, and the best part about making a gift like feather earrings is that not only are they inexpensive (but will look a million dollars!) but they’re also light as…ok well as a feather…making them perfect to mail to friends who live elsewhere.
Crafting feathers come in all sizes and colors, so you can make a different pair for each friend in her favorite shade. Create shoulder length hot pink and turquoise ones for your fashion forward friend who hates to blend into a crowd, or a shorter pair in natural bird feather tones for those friends who still follow trends but like to keep things a little more low key.
Whatever color or style you make, your friends and loved ones are going to be seriously impressed when you tell them you made their gift all by yourself!
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