Peacock Feather tutu - DIY Halloween costume - Moonlight Feather - Halloween and Costume Feathers
Fall is coming fast, and Halloween will be here before you know it! Thinking of costumes can take a long time, especially for kids. If you're a DIY-er, that can leave you with not enough time to make them. We have some simple last-minute costumes that will take less than half an hour, using supplies that you crafters might already have! In this tutorial we are making a children's size tutu, but this can be made to fit any size by simply using a longer string and more tulle. Here's what you need: Tulle Ribbon Scissors Peacock feathers We used: https://www.moonlightfeather.com/10-pieces-big-eye-natural-peacock-tail-eye-feathers/ Hot glue Let's get started! Begin by cutting the tulle in 2 inch strips, double the length that you want the tutu to be. Measure out your ribbon to be long enough to tie around the waist. Tape the ribbon to your surface at each end. (Optional) Stack 4 or more pieces of tulle together in alternating colors. Begin folding the tulle in half and looping the it around your ribbon. Continue until you have reached the desired length. Take the peacock feathers and hot glue them in between the layers of tulle until you have your desired amount. Let dry and you have an easy peacock tutu! For an extra accessory. Cut off one of the eyes of the feather and glue it to the flat side of a bobby pin. |